Local church hosts area women for biennial tea ceremony


Well over 100 women were decked out in formal Sunday dress and colorful, stylish hats as they made their way into the St. Joseph Parish Activity Center, located at 2903 E. Rancier Road in Killeen, for a biennial tea ceremony event. At least 40 tables were decorated with various themes, from classic angel and church motifs all the way to “Alice in Wonderland” displays.

“This event is sponsored by the African American Multi Cultural Society, and we try to hold it every two years,” event organizer Geraldine Jones said. “It’s really a social event to let ladies in the church and the community come together for great fellowship and companionship.”

While many of the women in attendance were there as guests, several women were working as hosts. The hosts had all decorated at least one of the tables and were helping to serve food and drinks to the woman at their tables.

“This is my first time hosting at the event, but I have been here as a guest before,” church member Sonia Wren said. “I’ve really enjoyed it as a guest, and I am enjoying it today.”

Wren had decorated the two tables she was responsible for with an angel motif. She had invited several friends to attend the event and they were enjoying their time at the tea ceremony.

“This is really nice, it’s a different type of event,” Calethia Thompson said. “I think this is a good event, it allows women to get to know each other and make connections.”

The event ran from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and gave local women a chance to socialize enjoy each others’ company while also supporting St. Joseph Catholic Church. In addition to the tea event, there was also a silent auction being held and all proceeds were going to support the church.