SZA Helps Dallas Fan Get a New Kidney


It started with a simple post on Twitter, one user was curious to know, “What is the nicest thing anyone has done for you? Well, one user replied sharing her story about how an R&B singer went above and beyond by helping her pay for chemo, sent her and her wife on a trip, but most importantly, helped he find a kidney.

In a tweet Leahjavon says, SZA gave me her number, got me into two concerts of hers free and on tour bus, sent me and my wife to Universal Studios before I started chemo, donated $, shared my fundraiser several times and helped me find a kidney.

In 2017, Leahjavon posted that she was selling some items to help pay for her treatments.

“A RT can save my life. I’m 23, I have Lupus & Crohn’s disease,” she said. “I’m going through IV infusion treatments that involve chemo. I’m on oxygen. I work from home & I’m in online school. I make items to pay for medical expenses, plz buy or donate to help.”

SZA, who previously met Leah, retweeted her post to share with her fans to help the 23-year-old find a blood match.

“Morning my loves, my angel Leahjavon is now experiencing multiple organ failure and is in DESPERATE need of a kidney and liver. If you live in the Dallas area and have O- O+ B+ or B- blood type please test to be a match. She could die. My brave bean. Sending love to everyone.

What is the nicest thing someone has done for you?