H-E-B donates $10,000 to Santa’s Workshop on Fort Hood


6 News’ Camo Santa toy drive has been going well thanks to donations by Central Texans.

Every year 6 News teams up with H-E-B to make sure military families in need have presents to put under the tree.

6 News raised $5,140 for Santa’s Workshop on Fort Hood. An $850 donation came from our friends at the Waco Women’s Lions Club who are always so generous each year.

On Friday, a donation of $10,000 came from H-E-B. Representatives from H-E-B and 6 News met at Santa’s Work Shop to drop off a check to the volunteers who make the toy drive happen.

At Santa’s Workshop Fort Hood, their mission is to make new toys accessible for children of the military community during the holiday season. Parents are free to browse the neatly stocked shelves to pick out toys, games or books for their children. They said the money donated Friday is greatly appreciated.

“That is really going to go a long way,” Mary Britton, a member of the workshop, said. “This year we helped 2,368 children here on the installation. That money is going to buy stocking stuffers books and games for those children.”

A representative from H-E-B said the donation “brings great joy” to him and the H-E-B team.

“To know that hundreds of children are going to wake up with new toys just brings great joy to me and the H-E-B team,” Johnny Mojica, H-E-B Public Affairs Specialist, said.

If you want to help you can still donate through the rest of the year. Instead of donating toys at H-E-B locations, you can text ‘Santa’ to 72727.